
YouCanSpeak は英語を瞬時に言えるようになるために開発されました。Level 1は比較的簡単ですが、Level が上がるにつれ英文がだんだん複雑になります。Level 4では、普通の人達は日常会話としてはあきらめたくなるような文章、そしてネイティブも教えるのをためらう文章ですが、意志疎通には絶対的に必要な文章となっています。


Level 1 の例文
基本:We live in a forest.
変化:living in a forest
代入:The music is refreshing.
合成:Living in a forest is refreshing.

Level 2 の例文
基本:Why did those salesmen look discouraged?
変化:why those salesmen looked discouraged
代入:There has been no explanation.
合成:There has been no explanation why those salesmen looked discouraged.

Level 3 の例文
基本:My son had his hair cut short.
変化:until my son had his hair cut short
代入:More than half of our neighbors took him for a girl for a while.
合成:More than half of our neighbors took him for a girl until my son had his hair cut short.

Level 4 の例文
基本:How beautifully and accurately can the students pronounce the English L and R?.
変化:how beautifully and accurately the students can pronounce the English L and R
代入:The American teacher invited by the school was amazed at the quietness of the class..
合成:The American teacher invited by the school was amazed at how beautifully and accurately the students can pronounce the English L and R.

You Can Speakは英語の文章の作り方を学びながら、尚且つ時間制限をもうけてあるというのが他にない最大の魅力だと思いました。

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